

2022-03-07 20:30:32青少年心理129

anxiety [???za??ti]

n.①焦虑,担忧,担忧 ②巴望

They have anxiety about job losses. 他们担忧赋闲。Tom expressed his anxiety for a new Chinese-English dictionary. 汤姆巴望得到一本新的汉英词典。He has exhibited symptoms of anxiety and overwhelming worry. 他表现出烦躁不安和过度担忧的症状。


in anxiety 担忧,着急的

He waited in anxiety for her answer. 他说完着急地等待着她的答复。

with great anxiety 十分担忧,着急万分

He received the news of his father’s sickness with great anxiety. 他得知父亲患病的音讯时着急万分。

feel no anxiety about 对……不愁,不着急


anxiety 指对预料中的不祥之事的焦虑

He caused his parents great anxiety by cycling long distances alone. 他独自骑自行车远行,这令他的爸爸妈妈十分担忧。

worry 偏重对不知道事态演化的焦虑

It’s a worry to me having to leave the children alone in the house. 把小孩独自留在家里真让我放心不下。

care 着重因出于责任感或顾忌等而发生的不安

I do no have a care in the world. 我在世上无忧无虑。

concern 作“关怀”用时,是indifference(冷酷)的反义词,偏重对别人健康、安全等的关怀,也可暗示对困难、风险或失利等的焦虑。

There is no cause for concern; your son’s accident was not too serious. 不用担忧,你儿子的事端不太严峻。

TAG标签: 早恋话题 迷恋网络游戏 
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